By Ella Devereux and published by
A group of universities has called for reform in nurse education to find solutions to the ongoing NHS workforce crisis.
The University Alliance, an association which collectively trains 30% of nurses in England, outlined some of the ways universities can work with the government and the NHS to tackle the workforce crisis in a briefing paper published today. The paper has called for a reform of placement tariffs for nursing students and has also called on the nursing regulator to reconsider its required practice learning hours. These proposals come at a time when the NHS is facing a workforce crisis, with a record almost 47,000 vacant nursing posts.
The University Alliance chief executive, Vanessa Wilson, said: “There is huge potential for the higher education sector to scale up its nursing training provision, and, in doing so, alleviate the strain on NHS trusts and other clinical placement providers. “University Alliance members stand ready to work with the NHS and the government to help provide solutions to longstanding issues and to deliver a workforce fit for the future.”